A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can

live many years on earth. Men don’t know that some of

their failures are caused by multiple girlfriends Not all girls

have good spirit. Some are demons, others have venom

between their legs.

Some women are destiny destroyers, beware.

Pay close attention:???✨?

1. A real man only has one woman in his life.

2. Don’t obey your Erection at all times. Most erections

mislead you Control your erection if you don’t want to have

few days on earth with much poverty in you.

3. Don’t date a lady because she has curves, boobs and a

sexy shape. These things are simply misleading avoid

such, don’t fall for what is called social media irony.

4. Not everything you see under skirt you must work to

eat, some skirts contain snakes that bite you and make you

uncomfortable. control your sexual urge Self control and

abstinence pays a lot in most cases.??

5. Marrying a woman doesn’t mean she owns you. Treat

her with respect Make her your queen, love, honor her and

give her reasons to treat you the same.

6. Having many girlfriends doesn’t make you a man. It only

makes you a womanizer, a cheater and a boy.

7. Just because you’re good in bed doesn’t make you a

man. A real man is a man who does not run away from his

responsibility but faces it squarely


8. Respect any woman who loves you Yes, is not easy for a

lady to throw her love on you and support your future.

9. The world celebrates successful men No one will

celebrate you for having many girlfriends. So what’s the

point tho? Waste of energy, money & wasted sperm.

Remember, being honest, loyal and faithful, is the

trademark of a real man.

Stay Trendy , Stay Entertained ?

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