About Bolver

Bolver enables Malawians to find anything they are looking for with so much ease. You can find anything on Bolver including Goods for sale, houses, news, music, videos, jobs, various services & more. At the same time Bolver enables providers of the services to be found easily when people open Bolver & when they are searching.

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24 responses

  1. Candace Distefano


  2. Ig

    If one has customers but lack supply of the specific type of goods do you provide the goods and let the person supply or sell for you

  3. DM Kachingwe

    When a New Post is Uploaded / Saved how long does it take or should it be expected to be available to the intended audience?

    1. In less than a minute. We are working to make it instantly….

  4. DM Kachingwe

    How can one edit one’s post in order to update / correct or add “Key Words”?

    1. We working on enabling editing.

  5. Blessings

    You should give a room for pictures like Facebook does

    1. That is on the way…

  6. Madalitso kananji


  7. Sam

    The graphic is just bad you need to work on it we should also be able to view photos of the items and uploaded if selling

  8. Edward mbendera

    I guess the platform needs to be showing pics of the phones on market

  9. Gift L. V Katsukunya

    Allow photos and videos to be sent in the adverts. And at least links to social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram,etc.

    1. Will surely add the ability to add photos & videos to the adverts..

  10. Peter phiri

    I can’t see the photos posting options make it easier to access

    1. Tony Mwathunga Kholomana Kaunda

      Let’s guys.Am a professional welder best in many things

    2. We’ll add a photos posting option just soon.

  11. Ronald Kandulu

    Include a photo posting option, can’t find one. And make it easier for us to see posts

    1. A photo posting option will be added.

  12. Gift

    Make it more neat that we can see items easily
    The font and spacing also are not quite good to me so maybe there should be an option where we can view the items not as a list

  13. Smart

    Active ways of posting photos.

    1. Will add ways of adding photos just soon..

  14. Sithele

    Make it more neat….I don’t know if it’s my phone but the font is abit much….
    Doesn’t really compromise the website if it had colors in terms of the header but all in all great job developers been waiting for something like this in malawi…

    And how sure are we as clients that we won’t get scammed using this platform? Honestly that’s my real concern

    1. Will make sure the font is better.
      And thanks for the compliments.

      On the getting scammed part, I’m sure a reviews feature should help…

  15. Looking for hilux D4D 2010_2011 budget mk15 million Lilongwe

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